Orthodontic Treatment in Pune

Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that deals with diagnosing and correcting malpositioned teeth and their abnormal alignment. It is good to book an early appointment with the specialist, as an early diagnosis has several benefits. As people are becoming more informed about oral health, visiting a dentist has become a regular thing. There are many dental clinics in Pune dedicated to your dental requirements. The American Academy of

Orthodontics (AAO) recommends seeing an orthodontist at the age of seven. It is good to consult an orthodontist for your child because, firstly, remedy in an early stage is always a better option. Secondly, the jaws of a child are tender, so the treatment comparatively will be less painful. The specialist will be able to offer early diagnosis and treatment advice for your child. Orthodontic treatment in Pune is readily available. The treatment is usually carried in two phases; Phase 1 and Phase 2. These phases typically include age-related treatments.

  • Phase 1– It is performed on younger patients who have a mix of milk teeth and permanent teeth. At an early age, this treatment’s motive is to reprimand the orientation and building of bones in jaws and fix the teeth’ misalignment. Early treatment offers a wide range of benefits to the children and their parents as well. Some benefits are as:
  • It lowers the risk of pain by the protrusion of frontal teeth.
  • It guides and corrects bad oral habits.
  • Early diagnosis of the problem saves time, effort, and money eventually.
  • It improves a child’s smile ultimately.
  • Phase 2– This treatment is given when all the permanent teeth have erupted and need braces to correct the orientation. Your specialist may advise this after Phase 1. Being a follow-up method, it is less invasive. But, those receiving it for the first time must be knowledgeable about the orthodontic procedure.


  • An excellent dental specialist does an advanced evaluation of oral health and gives the most appropriate solution.
  • The dentist will transparently explain the problems, the solution, and his plan to devise the procedure.
  • The dentist will provide oral health tips, both to the child and parent.
  • The dentist will encourage the child to practice self-care. If the child is afraid of the procedure, their team will please and soothe the child about the process.
  • He/she must be experienced and confident about results.

QUESTIONS YOU CAN ASK YOUR ORTHODONTIST Some questions that you can ask are:

  • How can early treatment be more helpful?
  • How many sessions will it take?
  • Will it be painful?
  • Does my child have to miss out on classes?
  • What will be the pre and post oral health care regime?

We understand you want the best for your child. Devs Oral Care is specialized in bringing out the best of your smile. Visit our Dental clinic in Pune or contact the team to book an appointment.


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