A Complete Guide On How To Keep Your Teeth & Gums Healthy

A complete guide on how to keep your teeth gums healthy

Did you know? Around 6 billion bacteria live inside our mouths. These living organisms play a vital role in keeping our mouth healthy, functioning, and brightened smile. The bacteria are born, work together, feed, mate, and die eventually inside your mouth. However, the harmful bacteria are the ones you need to prevent from accumulating inside your mouth. Medically termed as streptococcus mutans, the bad bacteria weaken the gums and muscles, resulting in tooth decay and […]

5 Perks Of Regular Dental Checkups That Amplify Your Health And Joy For Lifetime

Devs oral care blog 25 03 20 affinity

‘Visit Dentist’ is hardly a priority task on anyone’s weekly schedule. Moreover, it is often replaced with some other nonessential chores or leisure time. The fact that most of us still do not consider dental checkups to be at par with any other medical check-up is of great concern and everyone must be made aware of the long-term future benefits one can cherish simply by frequently visiting their dentist and attending regular dental checkups.  Once […]

Tooth Sensitivity – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

Blog image devs oral care

Have you recently sipped your coffee or ate a scoop of ice cream and felt a painful sensation in your teeth? If yes, you are exposed to teeth sensitivity. Pain caused due to hot and cold beverages is a sign of a tooth cavity and should be addressed with proper medical intervention. Devs Oral Clinic has the nation’s most excellent team of Dentist in Pune.  Tooth sensitivity or “dentin hypersensitivity” may be a chronic or […]