Fast Facts

Who can get infected by the COVID-19?

The risk depends on your location and the health precautions you take. Government and health professionals are taking the necessary steps to control the spreading of COVID-19. Washing hands with soap and maintaining a healthy diet can minimize the risk of getting infected by the virus up to much extent.

Older people and patients suffering from respiratory diseases such as asthma, heart disease, cancer, lung disease, diabetes, and low blood pressure are at higher risk of getting infected by the virus.

Are there any medicines or antibiotics to prevent COVID-19?

Antibiotics work only on bacterial infections. Since COVID-19 is a virus, so, antibiotics won’t work on it. Some traditional home remedies might help alleviate the symptoms of COVID-19. However, there is no medically claimed proof that it can cure the disease.

Multiple clinical trials are going on, which includes both traditional and home remedies. However, doctors recommend patients to immediately visit their nearby medical centre to let the medical professionals monitor their health.

Is there a vaccine to cure COVID-19?

Till date, there is no vaccine or any specific medicine to prevent or treat COVID-19. Infected patients should take the necessary care to relieve the symptoms. People who are in critical condition should remain hospitalized.

Most patients recover from the virus affect if they follow proper medicines, diet, and care. So, follow the essential hygiene tips and do not panic!

Should I Keep Wearing Mask to Prevent COVID-19?

Wear mask only if you are affected by the symptoms of COVID-19, which includes sneezing, coughing, shortness of breath, and joint pain. We urge you not to waste masks on healthy people as there is a worldwide shortage of masks. Donate masks to sick and poor people and those working nearby hospitals and polluted sites.

How should I keep myself protected?