9 Reasons It’s Time To Get Your Wisdom Teeth Removed

Wisdom teeth, despite their name, don’t make people wiser. When these late-stage molars erupt from the gums and crowd your other teeth, they frequently cause excruciating pain. Even worse, there have been documented instances of wisdom teeth contributing to cysts, long-term, harmful cavities, sinus issues, and problems with the alignment of the jaw.

Did you know ?

Wisdom teeth are a set of third molars that typically erupt between the ages of 15 and 25 in early adulthood.

While the rest of the teeth have been present for some time, they are the last permanent teeth to grow and start to emerge.

Many of the symptoms listed below are those of wisdom teeth that are either impacted or don’t have enough space to erupt naturally. Some of these symptoms are also present in completely unrelated dental conditions. Be sure to make an appointment with a dental expert to plan your wisdom tooth removal procedure.

When should you CONSIDER wisdom tooth extraction surgery?

Damage to adjacent teeth

Your permanent teeth are already in their proper positions, so the emergence of an additional set of molars could cause them to shift. By making it difficult to brush and floss efficiently and by causing pain, bite issues, and crowding, this might eventually result in cavities or tooth decay. You might also need further treatments to correct impacted nearby teeth if therapy is postponed.

Problems in the jaw

Your tooth’s bite may vary if your wisdom teeth erupt incorrectly. It may hurt and cause stiffness, which makes it challenging to open or close your mouth. As soon as you can, take care of this issue because having your mouth out of alignment might have major consequences.

Sinus issues

Did you realize that impacted wisdom teeth can have an influence on the sinuses? We all know how closely the mouth and nose are related. When the development of these molars causes sinus pressure, headache, or congestion, wisdom teeth removal is advised. Because oral health is an indicator of general health, paying attention to any symptoms or illnesses is important.

Pain, Sensitivity, or Discomfort

You may have to think about wisdom tooth extraction if you are experiencing shooting pain in that tooth or any nearby teeth. Many individuals don’t even notice their wisdom teeth are impacted until they start to hurt. But it begins small and may even be almost unnoticeable, like any tooth issue. Any toothache, even one with only a little sensitivity and throbbing, should not be disregarded.

Pay attention to where it happens; if it happens when the back of your mouth is touched when eating or brushing, it is likely that your wisdom teeth have come through. It won’t be long before it becomes apparent that they crowd nearby teeth, developing at an angle to the other teeth, or affecting the jaws.

Crooked Teeth

Despite there not being enough room in the mouth for them, wisdom teeth frequently start to erupt. Overcrowding the mouth can push teeth together and result in crooked teeth. It is impossible to make them all fit. You need to have either some or all of your wisdom teeth removed.

A dentist can determine whether your wisdom teeth will crowd your other teeth by looking at x-rays before they fully erupt. This is just one illustration of why it’s crucial to schedule a consultation as soon as you notice your wisdom teeth erupting. You might need to spend money on braces if it gets to the point where your other teeth are crooked.

A cyst near your tooth

If your wisdom teeth are neglected, cysts, or sacs of fluid, may develop in your mouth. If left untreated, these cysts can seriously harm your jaw, teeth, and nerves.

Repetitive tooth infections

People frequently brush and floss less frequently than they should since having wisdom teeth can make the back of the mouth uncomfortable or unpleasant. Cavities, dental decay, and infections may result from this. Additional symptoms from infections, like a sore throat or fever, are possible.

Difficulty while eating

As we know, food fragments can get lodged in the back of your mouth as your wisdom teeth erupt. Eating may become very challenging as a result of the pain or discomfort this may bring. Eating can be challenging if you have difficulties opening your mouth completely or are sensitive to heat or cold. These conditions may indicate that you need to have your wisdom teeth removed.

Pain in the cheek or tongue

It’s possible that your mouth is too full if you discover that you’ve been chewing your tongue or cheek more frequently than usual. Additionally, a wisdom tooth erupting at an unusual angle may irritate your mouth by rubbing against various areas.


Sometimes all of the above symptoms may be incredibly minor or absent altogether.

However, it’s crucial to pay attention to your dentists since they may detect the early indications of wisdom teeth erupting or anticipate difficulties that you may not have yet felt.

Are you experiencing any of these signs and feel that a wisdom tooth extraction is mandatory? Do not delay and schedule an appointment with Dev’s Oral Care. We are a group of highly skilled dentists in Pune. Modern tools and equipment are present throughout our facilities. At our clinic, we keep everything exceptionally clean, sterile, and hygienic. We make a lot of effort to keep the patients happy. Relax and know that you are in good hands!


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