5 Essential Tips to Maintain Healthy Teeth ,Gums and Braces if any

Dental Clinic In Pune

Want a stunning smile? Strong and healthy gums are the pillars to making your smile beautiful as you desire. And maintaining good oral hygiene is important for achieving an overall health score.

Here are some helpful tips to maintain healthy teeth, gums, and braces if you have any:

Brushing Is Mandatory

Most of us start our day with brushing. But, an important question,  how many of us brush in the right way. Here are tips for doing it in the right way to obtain promising results.

  • Brush at least for two minutes, twice every day.
  • Use a soft-bristled brush.
  • Brush in small circular motions.
  • Do not forget to cover the rear part of the teeth as well.
  • Reach up to all crevices that cannot be seen in the mirror.
  • Use good fluoride toothpaste to keep away cavities.

Floss, A Must-Follow After-step

Flossing is an important after-step of brushing. There are variants of floss available in the market, but you can also use homemade floss. Flossing eliminates plaque and bacteria from the place that your brush cannot reach.

Follow A Healthy Diet

Follow a healthy balanced diet that is rich in nutrients. Eat as much fiber food, crunchy fruits, and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables contain certain acids that cleanse teeth while chewing. Plus, they are good for healthy gums.

Avoid Sugary Foods

Sugary, chewy foods stick in the crevices of teeth, forming sufficient grounds for germs to breed on them. Sugar ultimately converts into acid, reacting with enamel and forming plaque deposits that weaken the tooth’s structure. Sugary foods are bad for gums also.

Regular Visits to Dentist

Visiting a dentist is not on the priority list of many people towards maintaining oral hygiene, but it should be. Here are the reasons why:

  • Regular dental visits help the dentist understand your oral health and give a just solution. For example, if you need an orthodontic solution such as surgery, the best dental surgeon in Pune can help you get rid of the consequences of the dental problems.
  • The dentist can give you braces to correct the orientation of your teeth, to avoid crooked teeth. If you have braces or Invisalign, visiting the dentist every four months becomes essential, because they also help in cleaning the braces and placing the braces back in place.
  • Dentists assessing your oral health can indicate health problems by observing the condition. For example, pimples on gums may indicate stomach problems or vitamin deficiency. Regular dental visits may help to indicate unusual mass growth (tumour/oral cancers) that can be treated with minor surgery in its initial stages.


Dev’s Oral Care has an adept team of doctors who devise the right dental solution after assessing the case individually, making us one of the best dental clinics in camp Pune. We care for our patients and have been rendering our dental services throughout pandemic both at the clinic and online, by spreading awareness through our information sources to people. Your health is our priority, and we follow strict COVID-19 norms while taking care of your dental health. For more info, reach out to our experts.


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