Does Turmeric Work As A Teeth Whitening Agent

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Many people in their visit to our dental clinic in Pune have asked whether they can use turmeric as a natural teeth whitener. Turmeric is a well-known spice with origins and roots in Asia. Over the years, people used it as a healing and herbal remedy by Ayurvedic doctors and women in the kitchen. Today, turmeric is a famous home treatment agent for various minor health problems. But, in recent research, people came across its teeth whitening feature.
In this blog, we will find out the benefits of turmeric as a teeth whitening agent.

Does turmeric whiten teeth?

People, who believe more in creating DIY toothpaste, use turmeric as an ingredient in a mixture of baking soda, coconut oil, and mint extract. The yellow pigment in turmeric is intense in color, but does it work as a teeth whitening agent? It’s fun experimenting with various natural ingredients and getting excellent results. But, it's always safe to use clinically proven toothpaste for an effective,safe, and brightened smile.

What are the benefits of turmeric as a teeth whitening agent?

Following are the benefits of turmeric over dental health:

How to use turmeric to improve dental health?

Here are some effective ways to use turmeric to improve your dental health:

Note: Turmeric stains the teeth and turns them yellowish, so use regular toothpaste to remove the stain regularly.

Turmeric as a spice is a healthy ingredient to prevent various health ailments. However, one must be careful with turmeric supplements as it is a concentrated form of curcumin. Talk to our expert dentist in Pune to get more insights on teeth whitening treatment and effective results.

When to avoid a turmeric supplement?

Due to its highly concentrated form of curcumin, doctors ask patients to avoid turmeric as a teeth whitening agent during:

Visit Dev’s Oral Care to know more about dental treatments and teeth whitening treatment options.
Our well-accomplished and diligent team of certified dental experts shall guide you with the right
treatment to reclaim your brightened, healthy smile.


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