Plaque is a clear, wet film that builds outside teeth and gum lines. It can slide off quickly, but over time it accumulates and forms a hard yellow-brown substance called tartar. Dental visits can help prevent and treat plaque by educating the right dental hygiene maintaining regime that prevents plaque and tartar buildup. 

However, it can be difficult to remove tartar at home with a regular toothbrush and floss. In addition, tartar on teeth can cause dental problems bad breath, tooth decay, and gum disease. That is why this article discusses home remedies that help remove tartar from teeth without a dentist:

White Vinegar to Remove Tartar

Lemon water and the saltwater solution are used to cut tartar buildup. White vinegar contains citric acid that dissolves unwanted bacteria and prevents future oral infections. Take two tablespoons of white vinegar into a cup of warm water with one tablespoon salt and gargle with the solution at least once a day daily. It can help remove tartar, keep gums healthy and maintain white teeth.

Using Orange Peels for Tartar

The orange is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants; hence it can be used in multiple ways to treat tartar buildup. First, the rugged underside of orange peel can be rubbed on teeth to exfoliate teeth naturally. Second, you can apply mashed peel paste on teeth to gently remove tartar build-up. The orange peel application also helps maintain balance PH of teeth.

Removing Tartar with Baking Soda

Baking soda is a good exfoliating agent. Add a pinch of baking soda to your toothbrush and scrub and leave the baking soda on the teeth for at least fifteen minutes before flushing contents.  The baking soda neutralizes harmful acids from food and drinks while killing bacteria, giving white teeth.

Oil pulling with coconut oil

Oil pulling is a healthy practice to remove harmful bacteria from the mouth and keep gums healthy. Coconut oil is considered ideal for oil pulling because it has anti-inflammatory properties and contains lauric acid. It also helps prevent gingivitis is by reducing plaque buildup in the mouth.

Practicing good oral hygiene

The dentist advises brushing twice every day can keep your teeth pearly white in tip-top shape. The top dentists also recommend flossing after brushing as a must-do practice. Choose a fluoride toothpaste with good quality medium-hard brush for brushing, or as advised by the dentist. Practicing good oral hygiene can keep overall dental health balanced.

Tartar deposition can be harmful to oral health. In addition, past research has indicated possible associations between gum disease and other conditions like pneumonia and dementia.


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